Sunday, May 8, 2011

Evaluations of Presentations - Rubrics galore!

Hello All,

In your group folders you have both your group and individual rubrics that will be used to evaluate your presentations. On your group rubric you have a section labeled "other" where your group can decide on an additional criteria you would like to be evaluated on. Some of you still need to decide on this. Have fun with this criteria of your choice.

Group Presentation Overall Evaluation and Blog embed link emailed to Ms. Wolfe: (10 points total)

Approaching 1pt
Meets 2 pts
Exceeds 3pts
All criteria are addressed. Lacking depth of explanation. Essential questions are   only partially answered.
All criteria are addressed. Sufficient depth of explanation. Essential questions are answered.   
All criteria are covered and go into in depth explanations, with organized examples to fully answer the Essential Questions and beyond.

Ideas may not be focused or developed. Main points/criteria are difficult to identify. Presentations by individuals are disorganized. Prezi presentation does not fully utilize the softwares unique properties.
Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and supported. The introduction gets the attention of the audience. Main points are clear and organized effectively.  Prezi presentation properties used effectively with, zoom in’s and out, rotations, and transitions well thought out and implemented.
Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and supported. The introduction gets the attention of the audience. Main points are clear and organized effectively. Transistions between presenters are smooth and well rehersed. Note cards, and outlines are used for reference only.  Prezi presentation properties used to the fullest extent and transitions between criteria sections are well linked and fluid.
Are present for each section but poor quality (illegible, inconsistent, , etc.). Image sources are not cited.
Well-designed and attractive images that simplify or summarize key ideas. Each image is cited with in the presentation.
Well-designed and attractive images that simplify or summarize key ideas. Each image is cited with in the presentation. Original images are used.
Other Criteria Chosen by Group to be evaluated on:

Blog link Emailed


If embed link is not emailed then group presentation points are void.

Individual Evaluation: 15 points

Name: _______________________
Role in Group: _____________________
Sections of Criteria to Cover:  1)____________________________2)________________________

Approaching  3
Meets  4-5
Exceeds 6
Both criteria are presented but not well organized or accurate.
Both criteria are presented in a well-organized fashion and accurate information is presented.  Presenter shows understanding of the material.
Both criteria are met, are well organized and accurate. Explanation goes beyond the criteria requirements. Presenter shows high level of understanding of the material.
Presenter is minimally prepared. Has a hard time focusing on topic, uses note cards or outline to hide behind. Reads exclusively from note cards or outline.
Presenter is well prepared. Has speaking points well planned and uses note cards or outline minimally.
Presenter is well prepared, speaks clearly, and is concise with points. Uses note cards of outline as a quick reference only.  Makes smooth transitions between topics and other presenters.
Visuals for criteria sections are included but may be lacking in quality.
Visuals for criteria sections are included and of high quality. Visuals add to the understanding of the topic. 
Visuals help solidify the presenter’s points and are linked clearly with transitions to other topics.  

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