Saturday, April 30, 2011

Group Check-in and Project Adjustments

Hello class, 

This week we had two in class work days. One, on Wednesday, where you learned about how to create a Prezi presentation, created accounts, and loaded your info onto the Prezi. The other on Friday for group work on Prezi. Next week we may have some time at the end of class to  work on Prezi's on our class computers but it will be limited. Some groups may need to schedule time to work on their Prezi's outside of class to catch up if their group members had not completed their outlines on time. 

I am available after class, at lunch, and during tutorial next week to answer any questions you may have or you can email me ( 

The deadline for the draft Prezi presentations will be next Friday 4-6-11 (adjusted from original deadline of yesterday Fri 4-29). 

Project Page Adjustments: 
For some reason the embedded project page in post 2 cannot be viewed on the school computers so I will just copy and paste it here.  I will also email you an updated project sheet and the evaluation rubrics for the group and individual presentation.

Understanding Physiology through Disease
Project Launch

“We understand physiology more deeply by understanding what happens when things go wrong.”
- Parag Chowdhury PhD-Physiology and Biophysics 

Objective: Students will be able to research a disease that affects the human organism and prepare a presentation using Prezi online software that explores the disease from a molecular and cellular perspective, to how the disease affects the homeostasis of the entire organism.

Essential Questions - By completing these projects students will seek to answer the following questions:
1.    How disease affects the function of the human organism at the cellular and molecular level?
2.    How do these diseases affect the human organism’s ability to maintain homeostasis?
3.    How do medical doctors diagnose the disease in patients?
4.    What are the methods of helping cure, treat, or helping prevent the spread of these diseases?
5.    Where do we find sources of information on disease statistics?

·         Groups of 4
·         10-15 minute presentation
·         Prepared using Prezi online software
·         Every person in the group must prepare and present an equal portion of the presentation

Criteria Checklist: Your presentation will include the following criteria with at least one visual for each category. Please divide tasks (2 each per group member and reference section) to research and present amongst group members for the individual evaluation component.

____- Overview/Description of the disease

____- How it is contracted or how it occurs in the human body (path of transmission or process of

____- Symptoms of the disease

____- How the disease affects the human organism on a cellular and molecular level (micro view)

____- How the disease affects the human organism’s ability to maintain homeostasis (macro view)

____- How the disease is diagnosed

____- What are past and/or present ways to cure, treat, or prevent the spread of the disease

____- What are past and/or present statistics for the occurrence of this disease within a human population
         (your Choice of population to evaluate)

____- Image sources sited throughout the presentation and contains a Reference Section
         (MLA format)

*** After the completion of the Prezi Presentation the student group will email their Prezi link and embedding code for the presentation to  to be added to the class Blog.

*** The group that prepares the best presentation with the most thorough research will be judged and awarded honors for their presentation (plus a bit of extra credit).  Presentations will be evaluated by a panel of professionals that include two Professors of Physiology, and a Medical Doctor through the class blog.  

Time Line for Tasks and Break down of Points awarded:


Individual Points:
            Outline and references for individual criteria Task 2&3 combo -10pts
            Individual Evaluation of Presentation (See rubric)– 15pts

Group Points:
            Group Worksheet Task 1 – 5pts
            Email link for Draft of Prezi Task 4 – 5pts
            Group Presentation Evaluation and post to blog (See rubric) Task 5 – 10pts

Timeline Organization:                                                     Group and Individual Deadlines for Project
                                                                                                (Comments on Blog throughout project)
Monday, April 18th

Introduction and launching project–
- an example Prezi Presentation (i.e. Cancer)
- Project Sheet and Group Worksheet with evaluation rubrics
- Assign Task 1

Wednesday, April 20th
Deadline -Task 1Due

Group Worksheet
Students pick group members, the disease to research, week they would like to present, and assign group roles and individual research/presentation objectives. Additionally the groups will decide on one additional criterion to be evaluated on  
 (5 pts -Group)

Thursday, April 21th
Task 2-3 combo (now individual) 

Research Day
Class at the library in computer room.
-          Intro to Class Blog for communication
-          45 minutes to find resources

Tuesday, April 26th
Deadline Task 2-3 combo Due

Individual Outline and References for individual criteria (2 selected)
See instructions and example on Blog:

Email Outline with references by April 26th,
12 midnight
(10 pts-Individual)

Wednesday April 27th

Prezi Creation Day!
Class at the library in computer room.
-          Intro video to Prezi software

Friday April 29th
Additional day Prezi group work time.
Friday, May 6th
Deadline: Prezi draft for Group Task 4 Due

Prezi presentation rough draft due
·         Group should have all individual criteria on the prezi document and email the link to me.
Email Prezi link to (5pts -Group)

May 9nth – 27th

Presentations – 2-3 per week

-          Prezi’s posted to the blog
-          Introduction of judges panel through blog before presentations start

May 9th-27th.

Task 4 - Presentations
Student groups present Prezi presentation to the class,

Link to blog and embedding code will be emailed to
-          Group Presentation and email link for blog post (10 pts)
-          Individual Evaluation of contribution (15 pts)

Week of May 30th

Judges decisions come in and awards of honor presented



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